2.Phoenix- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
3.The Pains of Being Pure at Heart- Self- Titled
4. Elvis Perkins in Dearland- Self-Titled
5.Royal Bangs- Let it Beep
6. M. Ward- Hold Time
7. Girls- Album
8. Bibio- Ambivalence Avenue
9. Mt. Saint Helens' Vietnam Band- Self- Titled
10.No Age- Losing Feeling EP
Overall, it's been a pretty great year in music.
Japandroids' Post-Nothing is one of the greatest albums I've ever lived. I was stuck in a most inconvenient situation. I had fallen prey to panic attacks. I did everything I could think of to try and forget about them. I would play video games for 8 hours or just watch movies all day long. I would hang out with as many people as I could so I could ignore them. As soon as I would return home or go to bed, the panic would hit. It worked me over for almost 5 months. My social life died because of relocation to my hometown. I would travel every once in a while, but not that often. I didn't ever feel like it.
The panic attacks all centered around the fact that I thought I was going to die. I had no real probable cause for concern, but I was so paranoid about it that I blew small twitches out of proportion. Finally, in March I started taking medicine for my panic, and it went away. A combination of the medicine and strong will forced that shit out of me. Consequently, March was also when I first listened to Post-Nothing.
Lyrics from "Young Hearts Spark Fires"
"OH! We used to dream. Now, we worry about dying."
It hit me like a ton of bricks.
"I dont worry about dying. I just want to worry about those Sunshine Girls"
Knocked me out.
Never had I so closely connected to one song in my life. For the next three or for months, Japandroids made my summer. During the summer, I saw them live in Nashville with about 30 other people. There is a beauty about two people making that much energy and noise. It recharges you.
From my summer, I remember girls with wet hair, and the times that my heart sweats. I remember holding the dream of staying sick together and being crazy forever. I remember how good it feels when its raining in Fayetteville, but I don't give a fuck because I'm not at home tonight.
Even when I returned to Knoxville, Japandroids were narrating my stories.
No song fits the return like "The Boys are Leaving Town".
And I will always remember "If your lucky, on the 7th day, she'll wear nothing".
Please listen to this album.